Where is inflation headed—and are fixed income investors ready?

Many investors in the U.S. have never seen serious inflation before. Our fixed income team has.

In this article, they examine the forces driving inflation today, on both the cost and demand sides of the equation. They also share their thoughts on whether we might be headed for a bout of 1970s-style stagflation, where growth falters even as inflation surges. And they offer a frank assessment of investors’ current risk exposure, as a long era of stable consumer prices abruptly comes to an end.

An update to our February article, our latest inflation analysis also addresses:

  • Supply chains and shortages
  • Rising labor costs
  • The meteoric rise in M2 and the recovery of velocity
  • Shifting market expectations

Finally, our portfolio managers offer their own take on where to look for the best values in the market today.

Please fill out this form to read Rechecking Our Inflation Predictions: Inflation is Here - But for How Long?


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